Jul 25Liked by Karen Wesley

Sending love from one of your AWR community members. This is all very real and very upsetting. I appreciate the honesty. I always appreciate what you have to say. I’m glad you were back at your writing today. Sometimes the best we can do is take care of our imperfect selves. One moment at a time.

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Thank you Wendy!

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I'm glad you were able to get back to work. Thinking about all the racism and misogyny that will get flung Kamala's way also makes me nauseous. She also offers the first glimmer of hope I've felt in a while. One foot in front of the other!

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Don’t give up! We need your voice.

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Thank you! I can’t give up. ♥️

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A margarita at 4pm sounds exactly like something I would do, LOL!

BTW, you're not "too old for this shit!" But you are TOO YOUNG to throw in the towel. Sounds like your book wants to be born and will keep nagging at you until it is ;)

Kamala 2024!

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I appreciate the encouragement ❤️ Yes! Kamala 2024! 🤗

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Oh my wow. You are the voice in my head. Or, maybe, I am the voice in yours? #stillwerise


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Indeed! We keep going.

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Aug 11Liked by Karen Wesley

I would love to read your memoir.

It’s also heartening that I’m not the only one who struggles to sleep at night as a single Black mother, who lives on her own with her two kids.

This poem is a mirror

Keep reflecting

we see you



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These are frustrating times we're living in and it seems never-ending. Is this the norm? To always have some terrible shit going on that affects our ability to just exist without a sense of doom?

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Keep your head up. We are out here changing the world by our existence and with the words and love we share. Peace.

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Thank you! My head is up today. Tomorrow is not promised. ♥️

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Jul 26Liked by Karen Wesley

Isn't it fun? Some mornings, the little small things make you happy to just be alive. Other mornings, you think "my life consists of nothing more than cleaning this same kitchen over and over again while the world burns until I die and I can't take it one more second". And you never know what kind of day it will be until you're in it!

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This is it! Thank you for reading and understanding. ♥️

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Jul 26·edited Jul 27Liked by Karen Wesley

I know how anxiety, apprehension, and exasperation can make you loose it and pull your hair out for peace. Besides, Writing your book and depending on people to help publishing your book can be the end of a precipice. Yes, police brutality any where abuse every where. And when your child is centered to possible conflict and/or altercation can keep your feathers ruffled, nerves on edge.

I may not have been into any direct altercation with the police recently or currently have children at the situation of police brutality but I have been at the end of my expiring housing lease as an applicant for a new dwelling but at the mercy of apartment administration. And approval running past my lease expiration date had at me and my wife walking on eggs and arguing why the woman won’t be responsible. And still no keys or approval and the woman not having the integrity to follow up, such as, return a call letting me and my wife know what, when, and why we have no keys or acknowledgment of where we stand.

Final thought, only thing to do remain calm until the storm past and don’t upset the equilibrium of the police anxiety.

Get past it and thank God before and after no further altercation transpires.

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Thank you for the encouragement. I’m sorry for what you’re dealing with as well. I hope it all works out soon. I will keep writing, praying and meditating. So far, we have survived everything we’ve been through. Sometimes, I have to stop, rest and then start over the next day.

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We have safely moved into our home without further delay, received our keys and the lease.

We tag you back with gratitude and grace.

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Hi. I'm another AWR member. I'm so sorry for all these horrors. It's demoralizing and exhausting. I do feel so energized and hopeful about Kamala Harris, though I know the racism and misogyny are going to be even more vicious. I'm sending comfort and other good thoughts your way. I'm glad you were able to get back to your writing. I know how challenging that journey can be. Wishing you all the best.

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Thank you so much for your kindness. I am happy that we finally have a little hope. She can’t do this all by herself. It has to be a collective effort. I am back to the slow crawl of writing! Thank goodness. ♥️

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Indeed. I'm glad you have this space to share with us.

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Jul 26Liked by Karen Wesley

Hugs and thanks for sharing. I have an adhd brain too and writing helps me organize all that is swimming in my brain

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I agree. I don’t always remember what I think until I write it down. Thank you for reading. ♥️

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Jul 26Liked by Karen Wesley


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Sweet! Thank you! 😊

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I can't believe this is where we are in 2024. Shit.

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I hear you. It’s exhausting! Gun violence is one of the main reasons I chose not to raise my son in the states. It hits hard when you realise it could be you. I’m still reeling from it. Thanks for rambling unedited. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. ❤️

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I understand. I think about leaving this country more every day. Thanks for your support.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Wesley

Prayers ascending for you & your family & for our future

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Thank you for your prayers. 🙏🏽♥️

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